
Super Tuesday Still slating. So far, looks more or less like this: Dean (yeah yeah i know) Khanna for congress (over incumbent Lantos) No on state Props 56, 57, 58 (the terminator bond et al.) Yes on state Prop 55 (education bond) Yes on regional Prop 2 (bridge tolls and money for transit) Yes on A, B, D. not sure yet on C, and haven't read E through J, and haven't looked at the "Democratic County Committee" at all -- i don't really even know what it is! Damn, voting in this state is fucking hard. Gardening I started in the garden today. Right now it's a completely overgrown patch of clover, wild grasses, trees, shrubs, and two cala lillies. "Patch" is an understatement. This morning I started clearing off a section of clover for my new veggie garden, while I'm planning out following guidelines in Square Foot Gardening. I'm hoping to grow: radishes carrots onions garlic lettuce marigolds nasturiums butternut squash tomatoes strawberries chinese chives I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited. Suggestions for things to grow, or books to read?


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