
etsy Have you ever been to etsy.com?? This site is amazing. It's basically a "open your own online store" site, but for crafters. This is fascinating for two reasons. One, back when I was doing lots of jewelry a few years ago, I wanted to sell my stuff online but there wasn't a cost efficient way to do so if you were looking at low volume sales. You either had a crappy storefront (ebay stores, your own store with a paypal shopping cart) or you paid a hefty monthly fee at Yahoo stores. Etsy is ebay costs but with a real storefront. The second is that it seems like the guys who invented this are really using this as a platform to show off the searching and tagging things that the stores are based around. There are all these crazy media-labbish interfaces where you can browse through the stores by color or most recently sold. Also, this site is only a few months old. I think this is brilliant. Also, this is getting me infected with a serious crafting bug. I can tell this will be bad news for my productivity..


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