
peeking into my garden Matt's in town again this weekend and I put him to work -- we hung up a hammock and got some patio furniture. I fell once in the hammock and the support poles crashed down atop me. I think I'll have to set a post in concrete after all. It's kind of scary every time I climb into it. Transplanted the zucchini and tomatoes. The carrots finally popped up this morning, and the spaghetti squash is looking great. I think the sunflower will survive even though some enterprising wildlife ate the seed leaves. Planted potatoes, but I'm a little skeptical. I found a hoe and an edger next to the water heater, and the hoe is my new favorite gardening implement. Reclaimed another 12 feet of sidewalk -- because the backyard hasn't been touched in about 4 years, all the concrete has been completely covered over with weeds and such -- I had no idea there was any concrete at all until I walked around in it. I discovered mint in the backyard as I was hoeing away the sidewalk coverage -- the smell filled the backyard as I slashed through it. I think mint's pretty hardy and it'll come back, I'm not even sure where it's rooted, since it's a total wild mess. I have some crazy weeds! There are so many roots all over the place, and they can grow back if there's just 4 inches of root -- i keep pulling these little weeds out of my garden, only to discover that there's a huge root ball underneath. Oh I also bordered my garden with wheat and rye seeds, hopefully it'll grow up into a nice grassy edge. Oh Matt also planted some California-native wildflowers along the fence. I'm also going to plant all the vegetables that keep sprouting in our kitchen -- we have a massive onion plant, and just tossed a garlic plant that had started rotting. The fog rolled in this weekend, is this the beginning of summer?


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