
I have to confess, my green thumb is not so much affected by me as it is the amazing growing climate here. The weather is lovely, I love spending time watching my plants and watering them, and nature takes care of the rest. I am so excited about the radishes, which will be coming out of the ground soon! It's been a month and a day since I planted the seeds. I'm not sure what kind of succulents they are. One is an aloe vera. The others -- well some of them have tags that are somewhat decipherable and some don't. One is a low ground cover type. One is thinner, greener, with orange flowers. One might be a christmas cactus, but I'm not sure -- it's supposed to have really gorgeous and showy flowers. I'm afraid I might have planted them too close to the leaky faucet, but I'll try to compensate by never watering them. I'm also thinking about joining a CSA. A coworker just told me about the Terra Firma CSA she is a member of. It looks delicious. Recently there have been 2 pints of strawberries a week included in the box. fwc, sorry I haven't been taking photos. I just don't have time to enjoy my garden through the camera lens :)


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