
i've been going a bit mad trying to finish this mix that i've had haunting me for what feels like at least a month. i know for sure it's going to have a movement from john cage's suite for toy piano. more news hopefully soon; i think the finish line is in sight. i've been keeping track of the more bizarre ways people have made it to this little blog. here's the current list (fill in your own "WTF??" comments). i omitted the ones that can't be repeated in polite society, and i just know this list is going to single-handedly screw up google's search engine. shapely+korean+lady+pictures [yeah, joyce!] pic+of+an+oompa+loompa+by+itself how+did+lead+get+in+to++mexican+candy spicy%22+burger+king+.mp3 wine+with+a+pickled+cobra+pictures remedy+overprocessed+hair+mayonnaise happy+cow+commercials cartoon+made-up+stories+about+sea+cucumbers what++does+a+ladybug+have+on+it%27s+belly


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